Pamela Koefoed

Feb 9, 20152 min

The Most Important Part of the Day

No fewer than a dozen times over the years, I’ve heard preachers and teachers of the Word say that we prioritize our lives based upon whatever is most important to us. They say that if Jesus is number 1, then this will be evident by how we begin every day. He should be first in the morning before we do anything else, they add, because the Bible tells us so.

Somehow the Priority Principle has never jelled in my mold. I want it to. My morning routine involves prayer, but I wait until later in the day for that deeper experience with Jesus that I’ve grown to cherish.

In my world, most everyday is filled with unending tasks and responsibilities—Believe me! Sometimes the “to do” list is incomprehensible. In addition to work and the ministry, there are always household chores, and friendship and family ties that keep me on my toes.

Such a busy life! I’m chasing after my shadow as I try to catch up with myself.

Think with me for a second; Is Jesus less important to me than He is to you if you begin your morning with your personal devotion time, but I postpone that aspect of my walk with Jesus until after I’ve tackled a project that weighs on my mind?

You see, not only do I become very sleepy while in early morning prayer, but the way I’m wired may be different than the way you’re wired. Until I clear my schedule of urgent matters—a report, for instance, that must be delivered today to my local judge and to all of the legal parties to a particular court case—it’s almost impossible for me to focus my entire heart on the Lord. But once I complete the projects for which others depend upon me, I’m more able to enter into “The Secret Place” of His Presence.

Keeping Jesus a priority takes a little doing in a busy life, but I can’t imagine a day without being with Him. In fact, right now as I share this with you, my heart is stirred with desire for Him. So, I’ll sign off now and hurry to complete that court report responsibility, and then I’ll have an entire afternoon to be with the Lord.

Jesus is without question my priority, and I hope He is number 1 in your life, too.

Keep going after God.


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