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Pamela Koefoed
Sep 4, 20161 min read
When the Mud begins to Fly
If you want to increase activity on your FB page, just write something in favor of either Ms. Clinton or Mr. Trump. It’s also a great way...
Pamela Koefoed
Oct 2, 20143 min read
What Will You Tell Jesus When He Asks You This Question?
My pastors served in Pakistan and when they arrived at the conference location, they were greeted by smiling, hugging leaders and pastors...
Pamela Koefoed
Sep 5, 20132 min read
Introducing the New Memoir “JoyRide: Life, Death and Forgiveness”
Director of child abuse advocacy agency, CASA, launches debut memoir. If you enjoyed The Glass Castle, you will love JoyRide: Life, Death...
Pamela Koefoed
Aug 26, 20132 min read
Derelicts, Bums, Scum of the Earth…No
A couple of weeks ago, a man who lives on the streets made eye contact with me as I strolled by him on my way to a clothing store. “Can...
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