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Writer's picturePamela Koefoed

A Question of Vaccine Safety and Should You be Afraid of Getting it.

Updated: Jan 22, 2022

I've been asked several times about Covid vaccine safety.

This is not an encouragement for or against it. A plethora of differing opinions exists.

Some are even based on legitimate science. But I am adding a solitary drop to the rising sea of arguments; your body your choice and remember that your decision affects the people who love you.

Is a ticking time bomb inside the vaccine?

Many of us have read articles from people on the edge stating that those who got the shot now have a ticking time bomb inside of them waiting to go off. That kind of news is sci-fi freaky. Is it a valid concern? An overwhelming number of peer-reviewed studies indicate that it is impossible for that kind of frightening scenario to play out.

Breath deeply and release any worries you've had to the Lord.

I am a firm believer in, everything will be okay, because "God causes all things to work together for the good of those who love Him, for those who are called according to His purposes."

Are the booster shots intended to harm us?

This is the question, right? Under all the uneasiness, anxiety and fear, and behind all of the fear-stirring, anxiety-producing arguments against the vaccines, a question looms...has there been intent to harm?

What we can be absolutely certain of is that with every vaccine, there are risks. By March 8th, 2021, 92 million doses had been administered. At that time, the adverse affects of the Covid vaccine did not exceed those of the annual flu shots. To read about it follow the link at the end of this article.

I do not personally know anyone who has experienced a severe reaction. While several friends, a few ministry associates, and loved ones have gone on to heaven as a direct effect of Covid, and many others, both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated have recovered from it.

The only perfectly harmless protections against disease are the Lord Himself and the immune system.

Extremely few have learned how to live in His actual Presence where, "No plague shall come near thy dwelling," (Psalms 91). I do believe it's completely possible to go an entire lifetime without catching any diseases when we dwell literally in Him, as revealed in Scripture.

Next in line for protection is the immune system, which God designed to be like a sentry at the gate of a grand palace, permitting no harm to enter, and removing all that managed to get past the sentry's initial security system.

It is the Lord's desire that all of us strive "to enter in" and that we remain well. It's a journey, isn't it? It will take some effort on our parts to obtain this level of union in the Lord and it will take some effort during Covid-19 to stay well and recover. But the effort is well worth it.

The Lord wants us well in every way. I know this because He demonstrates the truth that our well-being is important to Him. You can find many examples of this throughout the Old and New Testaments. A large number of accounts where the Lord Jesus healed all who were sick are in the Gospels. Because He healed "all" shows us that it is His will for "all" to be well today.

Until we reach that place of perfected health, to improve and maintain health, may we have the wisdom and the guidance of the Lord to obtain what we need from nature to optimize and maintain our health.

God placed in plants healing phytonutrients and immune boosting substances that He intended for us to use. He designed them to protect the plants from disease and from destructive forces. He created them in the foods that we eat to help us overcome disease, and stay healthy. He did this so that we can survive and thrive in the harsh, germ-filled, environment of earth.

Bottom line...It is God's will for us to be well in every way.

But what about the boosters?

I'm not a scientist or medical professional. I'm simply a sister in Christ who researches and who has been called to serve. Let's look at booster shots from a purely rational perspective.

For those who've already had a vaccine, personally, I would read peer-reviewed scientific studies, plus look at the experiences of others before taking boosters. This means that I would wait, unless I had the Lord's guidance to go forward with it.

There are reasons for this. My two primary reasons are because the effectiveness of the original shots wears off before a year has passed. Why would I think the boosters will be any better? Second, the facts speak loudly to me. Some people have experienced severe side-effects to the first shots. These two reasons combined are enough reasons for me to wait, research, and pray for guidance.

In the meantime, watch for the (Non-mRNA) vaccine to come out called the Novax. If the Novax proves to also have severe risks, you might decide to wait for the next in line. There will be others. If you decide to get vaccinated against Covid-19 or its variants, I hope that you will first read what scientists and doctors have found through research in peer-reviewed studies, along with reading actual testimonials from those who've had it.

There's good news for all of you Covid overcomes!

Your own immune system has done an amazing job of building antibodies that are far better than the protective action of the current vaccines. You can be tested for antibodies, but get the long test, not the short test. The short test is not entirely reliable.

Having antibodies doesn't mean you can't catch Covid again, but it does mean that, if you're exposed to it, your immune system will immediately identify the virus and quickly launch a full-scale attack.

Now for some wisdom shared with love and care:

  • Always follow the Spirit of God.

  • Never act out of fear.

  • Know what you're getting before getting it.

  • Build your immune system. It truly is a gift from God. Don't make it difficult for your immune system to fight viruses, as so many people do. Instead support it by avoiding stress, fear, anxiety, anger, junk food, and so forth.

  • Have a health kit at home that includes the health regimen that has already helped many people around the world. (I've written about it in previous articles on the Health and Healing by God'sDesign Facebook group.)

  • Take supplements that are proven, through peer-reviewed research and real application, to prevent infections and minimize infections.

  • Pray and have faith in God to guide you.

  • Reflect on and claim Psalms 91.

  • And find joy in every day.

"Beloved I wish above all things that you would prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers"--3 John 2.

In this day and age, to weed out the misleading information and flat out deception from the truth, we must do our own research from peer-reviewed studies and consider the actual experiences of others. If you need medical guidance, speaking to health-care professional may help. Even among those in the profession of treating illness, there are opposing views about the vaccines. I tend to lean towards health experts who have a holistic approach to medicine.

Whatever you do, don't participate in the vaccine fear. It is bad for your mental, emotional and physical health. Avoid fear like the plague.

The Lord Jesus said, "Be anxious for nothing." This command still applies in 2021. If you've had the vaccine and have read information stating that you're doomed, just brush it off and thank the Lord for His enduring mercy.

Build your health, enjoy life, love well, and have faith in the Lord.

Pamela Koefoed

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