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Writer's picturePamela Koefoed

God. Wants. You.


Photo by P. Koefoed, Lakeview, Oregon

I don’t want to be like the world on the fast lane of life who take no time to sit at the Lord’s feet, or feast on His Word, or enjoy being with Him. I don’t want to be like menial Christians who have lost their hunger for Him.

God desires a close relationship with all of us. It’s surprising to some, but in the Bible it’s clear that God wants you and me, like a Father longs for his sons.

He desires a closer relationship with you than you currently have. In fact, He wants you to be with Him, where you are and as you are.

His longing for you to be with Him is greater than you realize. He wants you to know Him.

Perhaps one of the most incredible truths about the God who created us all is that He wants a personal relationship with every person. This includes you.

Let’s talk about life for a moment. I’ll share from my own as a way of encouraging you in your life.

Sometimes life gets in the way of knowing God. I totally know how it is. I get so busy doing, so busy with many responsibilities and with many dreams that I do, do, do when I yearn to just…simply…be.

So, I reach out to Him for help. “Lord, keep my heart sensitive to Your Presence. You are always with me. Help me to reach out often to You. Show me the secret place that You’ve carved for me, that place where You and I can meet face to face at this very moment.”

When most people think about a relationship with the Lord, prayer is automatically what comes to mind. But there’s a whole lot more to relationships, in general, than just talking, right?

My prayer life isn’t scheduled. It’s fluid and informal. I love to pray, because I love to be with the Lord. Some days, I pray first thing in the morning. Other days I wait until I’m wide awake and then I go into the secret place to meet with the Lord. My favorite part of the day is being with Him in a very real and vibrant way.

But there have been days when I began with a short prayer and some Scripture reading. Then it’s off to the races, as I go from one project to another. Even though I’ve prayed and read the Word, a longing is in my heart, calling me to come aside and be in complete stillness with God. Do you understand what I mean?

I’ve discovered that petitioning the Lord for help and reading the Bible aren’t equal to deep communion with Him. Deep communion is one of the most amazing aspects of knowing God and getting to know Him. He is so wonderfully complex that I imagine learning about Him can go on for more years than I care to count.

Sometimes, I’m befuddled by my unscheduled life. It’s entirely possible, I’ve found, to get so absorbed in projects, house work, and doing good, that I forget to be in a very real place of deep fellowship with Him.

But He is always available and doesn’t hold my self perceived flaw against me. He. Wants. Me.

Beloved, the most essential part of life is knowing the Lord in a greater and greater way. A meaningful relationship with Him is possible. He wants this for you.

He. Wants. You.

He doesn’t want you so that you will work for Him, or for what you will give to Him. He’s interested in you as a person, interested in your well being. He’s always available for you to come to Him, where you’re at and as you are today. He. Wants. You.

Being with Him sets you apart from the millions of people on the race track of life who live as though God doesn’t exist, as though He doesn’t care about them. Meet with God. Be with Him.

You have an innate desire to know your purpose and to have a life of meaning. What you really want is found in knowing the Lord. I encourage you to seek Him while He can be found. In doing so, you’ll discover your purpose and life’s meaning.

You. Want. Him.

In a deep place of your heart, you want to know for certain that God is present in your life, that He knows you intimately, and that He loves you personally.

There is a way to discovering for yourself a deeper walk with God. Some people have difficulty believing that God is good. If this is you, pray and ask Him to open your understanding so that you recognize His involvement in your life. And if you’re wanting to dive into His love, ask Him to reveal how He feels about you, and seek Him for the simple purpose of being with Him.

In closing, here are some Scripture for reflection:

God is ever present…Psalms 46:1

He identifies Himself as Emmanuel, which means “God with us,” Matt 1:23; Isaiah 7:14

The LORD of hosts is with us, Ps. 46:7

I will be with you always, even until the end of the age, Matt. 28:20

He will never leave you. He will never forsake you, Heb. 13:5

It was a joy to share this word with you. I hope that you were encouraged and helped in some way through it. Now that I’ve written about being with the Lord, I’m eager to go to the place where I often meet with Him. I pray that this same eagerness is in your heart.

You are dearly loved,


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