What do Niels Bohr, Albert Einstein, Elias Howe and Otto Loewi have in common? Each of these men received detailed instructions while sleeping that led to remarkable scientific discoveries and a modern day invention.
Niels Bohr’s dream led him to the structure of the Atom. The details in Albert Einstein’s dream led to the famous E=mc2, the Theory of Relativity. Elias Howe’s dream helped him invent the sewing needle used in lock-stitch sewing machines. His needle was the first of its kind.
And Otto Loewi’s may be one of the most amazing of all…He had the same dream on two separate nights. Because he was unable to recall the instructions that were shown him in the dream on the first night, the exact dream occurred a second night. This time he arose from sleep abruptly and headed straight to the lab where he carried out the details in the dream. What did his experiment reveal? That nerve pulses aren’t the result of electrical signals, but they’re the response to chemicals.
These intelligent men obtained information leading to remarkable discoveries from their dreams. Where did their dreams come from?
I’ve been talking about God speaking to mankind on Facebook live-streaming. I’m convinced that He speaks to us more often than we realize, and am equally convinced that there are actions that we can take that help us listen and hear. During the live-streaming, I’ve been sharing what I’ve learned from Scripture, testimonials and personal experience about this. I’ve also shared some tips and tools that I believe will help others grow in their relationship with the Lord and in this whole area of hearing God speak.
Teaching over Facebook has been a richly rewarding experience because of all of you who have joined in for the classes. Those videos are now saved to my timeline and can be viewed at any time.
What about dreams…where did the dreamers in this article get their dreams? Dreaming is just one way that we receive information from the Lord. So, I believe that the logical answer here is that God gave them the information while they slept.
In the live-streaming, I teach on God speaking to us in our sleep. In tomorrow’s class, I’ll teach you how to interpret your dreams. But there’s a second source of dreaming that I will discuss in tomorrow’s class…your amazing brain and how, while sleeping, it can flush to the surface repressed, hidden or ignored feelings that may be weighing you down, disturbing your peace, or frustrating you in some way.
God speaks to mankind! This is exciting, uplifting, fascinating and such a relief. He loves us, after all. And He’s our Father. Good dads speak to their children.
But when does He speak to us? And how can we be sure that a dream or any type of non auditory language is from the Lord? What about dreams with metaphors? Are these from Him?
I invite you to my Facebook page where you’ll find all of the video lessons on this exciting topic.
The next live-stream event is Thursday, February 1st. I’ll teach on Dream Language. Please join me live on Facebook at 12 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. During the one hour event, the first half is teaching and the second half is open for comments and questions.
If you miss the live-stream, you can still watch them. After live-streaming, they’re posted to my timeline. A side note regarding the video quality. The first couple of weeks while we were learning how to use the Facebook live video feature with our new computer, the video reception was a little choppy, but the tech issue for this has been gloriously resolved.
I’ve loved live-streaming with the Facebook community. To date, there have been more than 1,000 views of the videos. There’s an advantage for those who can watch during the live recording; they have the option of interacting with me and others, commenting or asking questions while we’re on live.
Livestreaming is a great way to connect with, encourage, inspire and share with so many wonderful people from throughout the world. I’ve found sharing with you to be a great way to spend an hour and I look forward to the next opportunity to do so.
I hope that you will join me this Thursday for the next livestream event, Dream Language. Found on my Facebook page.
You are dearly loved,
Pamela Koefoed